Member priorities we're working on
Based on specific member priorities, our engagement managers provide targeted support through bespoke collaboration opportunities. Below are a few examples of the challenges members are solving through the network.
Assessing effectiveness of preventative and reactive controls
How do companies identify preventative and reactive controls, and what are the key components of their assessment method?
Using AI in emerging risk
What public feeds and other AI-powered information sources are companies using to build greater horizon scanning capability?
Portfolio exposure
How are peers assessing the business holistically to determine which parts of the business have the highest risk exposures?
Psychosocial safety risk management
How are companies working to address psychosocial safety risk where it has been identified and have there been any successful initiatives?
Predictive risk analytics
Can data analytics be leveraged by organisations to perform predictive risk analysis? If so, what are the use cases?
Enhancing internal controls and the three lines model
How can you move from a mature finance-centric internal controls framework to a more ERM-focused model?
Successfully implementing a GRC tool to manage risk
How are organisations selecting, configuring and implementing a GRC tool, ensuring that is flexible enough to meet the requirements of a growing business?
Modelling the impact of quantitative risks
If you follow a “bottom-up” approach to reporting and aggregating enterprise risks, how the model the cumulative impact of quantitative risks and demonstrate the value of this approach?
Evolving enterprise risk management
How do you approach conversations about risk with the board to make the subject more engaging and evolve attitude towards risk management within the organisation?
Risk management in philanthropy
What steps are risk professionals in the philanthropic sector to drive risk maturity upwards and are there any key learnings from other industries?
Benchmarking risk matrices
How are companies simplifying their risk matrix for the business and linking it to the other tools and processes already in place around the organisation?
Portfolio risk
How are the portfolio risks monitored and reported up to holdinggroup level? Also, are the methods used mainly qualitative or quantitative in nature?
How to bring geopolitical risk into risk assessments
How do you make geopolitical risk meaningful and relevant to the business, either through dashboarding or other methods?
Managing supplier risk
Given that third party risk can be very siloed within an organisation, focused on predominantly by procurement teams, how do you get everyone to use a cohesive supplier risk framework?
Aggregating asset risks
As part of an effort to integrate risk management into decision making and business planning, how are organisations aggregating risks across their asset portfolio and using this information to report to the board?
Engaging with the C-Suite outside of governance committees
As opposed to just presenting risk updates to senior leaders on a periodic basis, how can you engage with them outside of this window to drive a risk agenda?
Approaching sustainability from a risk perspective
How does the risk management team maintain oversight of sustainability risks while meeting regulatory and social obligations?
Dashboards that provide insights and drive decisions
What’s more valuable: is it the visualisation of risk data, or verbal insights off the back of that data? Also, what are the challenges faced with drawing meaningful insights out of risk data?
Presenting emerging risks to the board
How do other risk leaders handle their emerging risk reporting, in terms of the type of data they present and the level of granularity that they drill down into during conversations with senior leaders?
TCFD reporting processes
What does the TCFD reporting process need to look like to make it successful? For example, who should be involved, how can you effectively engage senior management, and what assurance needs to be provided over the data.
Determining whether to have risk appetite statements
Do any companies operate without risk appetite statements and, if so, how do they ensure the level of risk-taking within the business is commensurate with the risk appetite of the organisation and its senior leaders?
Practical implementation of scenario analysis
How do you run scenario planning exercises in practice as well as theory, making sure you prepare enough and pitch material to the business at the right level?
Developing KRIs to embed risk appetite
How do you build on risk appetite statements by developing KRIs to bring them to life and how can you achieve senior leader engagement with these indicators?
Recent and upcoming meeting highlights
Our network meetings regularly bring groups together to share practical experiences and brainstorm new ideas, while bespoke meetings connect very small groups to focus on a specific issue or challenge.
Data aggregation tools
Our custom-built data aggregation tools provide invaluable insights that help risk teams get time-consuming tasks done quickly and efficiently.
Specialist benchmarks
In-depth benchmark reports help members compare and validate their approaches in key areas.
Fraud risk management: pulse check
This report provides a high-level overview of how 10 organisations approach the challenge
of fraud risk management, from how they classify fraud risk to who has ownership of the
Leveraging risk data to help the business make better decisions
This benchmark explores how seven large companies, based across a range of sectors, are
collecting, analysing and reporting internally on risk management data.
Emerging risk benchmark: risk leader approaches
This benchmark report provides an overview of common and divergent approaches to
managing emerging risks, capturing insights from large listed or privately-owned companies
across a range of sectors.
Practitioner insight: Audit governance in large corporates
This benchmark report gives an overview of how audit is governed in large multinational
corporates, setting out common structures, reporting lines and governance frameworks.
Pulse check: Embedding risk management within the business
This report explores how non-financial organisations embed risk management and make it more continuous across the business.
Setting risk appetite: pharma pulse check
This summary report explores how eight multinational pharmaceutical companies, of various sizes, are setting (or, in some cases, not setting) risk appetite.
Principal risk in the technology sector 2024
This provides an overview of principal risks among a cohort of 11 US-based technology
companies, focusing on key risk themes.
Risk materiality: a market pulse check
This pulse check provides high-level insights into how risk materiality is assessed and
Pulse check results: approaches to TCFD disclosure
This report offers a closer look at how 10 organisations are assuring climate risk data,
assigning ownership for TCFD disclosures, and reporting internally on TCFD.
Safeguarding against human rights risks
This deep-dive benchmark was
designed to explore how organisations in customer-facing sectors, such as
retail and hospitality, are managing risks related to human rights and modern
Risk appetite benchmark: 8 successful approaches
This report outlines eight complete and successful processes for implementing risk appetite, with each example representing the needs of a specific type of organisation.
Risk evaluation criteria in the oil and gas sector
This pulse check report provides insights into risk evaluation in the oil and gas sector, focusing on which tools companies are using and how risk evaluation is being applied throughout the business.
Emerging risks report: renewable energy sector
This report offers a closer look at emerging risks facing renewable energy companies, based on insights shared by 11 large multinational organisations from Australasia, the UK and Europe.
Risk operating models: pharmaceutical sector
This report on risk operating models offers a deep dive into the risk team structure, resources, reporting lines and priorities at a select group of nine pharmaceutical companies.
Assurance mapping: 5 risk leader approaches
How do you develop an effective assurance plan for your organisation? This report
offers five unique approaches taken by risk leaders.