Top emerging risks and blindspots in the technology sector
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What are the chief emerging risks that digital and SaaS organisations are focusing on, and what are the blind spots for the sector?

This benchmark explores the emerging risk priorities of 17 organisations in the technology sector.

Fill in the form to download highlights of the benchmark, including the top 10 ranking of emerging risks prioritised in the technology sector, and three blind spots identified.


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This report was created specifically for a Risk Leadership Network member who raised benchmarking emerging risks as a priority for their organisation this quarter. 

The report was followed up by a series of 1-to-1 meeting that we facilitated for this member, so that they could dig deep with other senior risk leaders on issues raised in the benchmark data.

Please note that Risk Leadership Network is exclusively for practising risk leaders at non-financial institutions. 

Fill in this form to download the benchmark highlights


Who has taken part in the benchmark?

CROs/heads of risk at 17 large multinational organisations completed the survey.

What data is included?
  • Top 10 ranking of emerging risks in the digital/SaaS sector
  • Whether those emerging risks are considered to have an upside or downside
  • Potential blind spots companies should be aware of
  • Different approaches to reporting on emerging risk (e.g. varying reporting lines)

Please note that some of this data is only available to Risk Leadership Network members and isn't available in the highlights download on this page.

How was the data collected?

Through a survey to hand-picked participants.

Why did you create this benchmark?

We developed this benchmark to support a member on their specific risk priority: they wanted to benchmark their emerging risk prioritisation against others in their sector and identify any blind spots.

Do you have any other benchmarks?

Yes, we regularly create benchmarks or pulsechecks  in response to our members' priorities. Take a look at some of our latest benchmarks here. Through our bespoke, concierge "network assistance" service, we deliver these niche reports in a timely way to meet the exact needs of the organisation who requested it. Of course, the benchmarks are often useful for other organisations too and we share the results. If you'd like us to create a benchmark for your organisation, please fill in this form and we'll get back to you with a time-frame and membership proposal.

How do I get hold of this report?

Just fill in the form and you'll be able to see highlights from the benchmark. If you'd like to request to see the whole report, tick the box on the form and we'll arrange a meeting to run you through it.

Can Risk Leadership Network carry out a benchmark for me?

Yes. Members of Risk Leadership Network work with a network manager to make sure we meet your risk priorities. If there's an informal benchmark that would assist you in your priorities, we'll create it for you in a timely manner. Most benchmarks are complete within 8 weeks of request. Tell us more about the benchmark you need and we'll get back to you with timescales and a membership proposal.

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