Leveraging data to help the business make better decisions

Take part in our data risk benchmark, allowing you to see how your peers are leveraging data to help the business make better decisions.

Simply fill in this report to request to participate. Following qualification*, we'll send you a link to our short survey to complete by 23rd April, and then you'll get the full benchmark once it's complete. All your answers are confidential and anonymised in the report

We've created this survey in response to a number of Risk Leadership Network members who have flagged data risk as a key priority.

More about the benchmark

As organisations build a roadmap to advance the maturity and capability of their risk management framework, a key part of this journey could be using data to develop a better oversight of how risks are being managed across the business and inform strategic decision-making.

This benchmark is designed to gather detailed insights about how large listed / privately-owned companies are leveraging data, from an end-to-end perspective, to support risk management processes.


We're welcoming participation in this benchmark from risk leaders at large listed / privately owned organisations who have implemented an approach with data for risk management. Following your request, a member of the team will give you a quick call to make sure you're a good fit for this tailored benchmark.

Fill in this form to request to participate in the data risk benchmark